All in one breath:

Heavenly blackberries from Melanie, intended for a cobbler, but were instead eaten in handfuls by me, bwahaha!

From Gail, who always sends the most amazing books ever. (I cheated and started it before finishing my other 56--oops!)

very rod of rainbow candles I had coveted days earlier at World Market and discouraged from buying. And the glass votives! Rainbow-rama!


JABON!!! And more Mason jars to satisfy my fix:

From my sweetest tween, a love we share, most of which I'm certain he'll use, lol:

A bag of perfection for mind, body, and soul, from my beloved Dyan. Hurry back to Oregon lady. "Red makes the world happen!" Words to live by:

A glimpse of the outpouring from my honey girl. Starbucks gift card, candy, and the most beautiful earrings in the world. Not to mention the surprise party to beat all surprise parties:

My love affair with these tights shall continue, as will my collection of Tree Hut lotion. Seriously, there was no end to the generosity nor perfection of selections:

I got Reilly one of these for her birthday, and have been secretly/openly jealous. Obviously Debe got sick of my whining. Plus a pinch of being the most thoughtful person ever. Thanks jerkface:

wonderful.day. Truly madly deeply. Everyone ignored my pleas to downplay this whole aging bullshit, and ulitmately my greatest gift was the superior company around me. Not to mention:
-My candy from Rei...back off!
-My overflowing bag of clothes from Old Navy, and copious gift cards from mi madre. <3
-My stunning camera case!
-My subscription to Psychology Today!!!
-My vegan cookbook from Dyan, who had better hurry back to OR to cook me something rad.
-Hand made cards, cash, so many well wishes, and telephone calls from my most treasured people.
-Todd wearing a party hat!
32 taught me in technicolor what I
don't want in life, and 33 has been awash in everything I do.
Next year the tandem bicycle for SURE! xoxo