Friday, April 4, 2008

do yourself a favor...

...and eat an entire paddle of this chocolate before you die:

Todd, life-long health nut who treats himself to a stalk of wheatgrass for dessert, and is an infuriating size small, has a fascinating weakness for the candy at Grocery Outlet. He doesn't really buy anything else there, save for obscure frozen entrees that I would never touch (braised gluten clumps with mystery sauce). But he comes homes with BAGS of gourmet chocolate in every variety. Now, being that I don't like chocolate, I am fairly immune to the appeal of these bags, but yesterday I discovered the miracle pictured above. First I nibbled one square, and then I plowed through man, woman, and child to get my hands on the rest. It was a smooth, coconutty heaven, and I ate the entire package. T remarked later that there is actually no chocolate in this product, which might explain its intoxicating effect. Nevertheless, I am here to extol its virtues and demand that everyone try it. Just do me a favor and buy it somewhere other than Grocery Outlet, for I've asked T to go buy them out after work.


mental chatter said...

My nightmares of the gluteus to the max-max-maximus are coming true. But, I love the coconut. Can't wait to get my hands on some of the that Lindt goodness!

gail said...

those lindt people are geniuses!

BK said...

I looooove braised gluten!

gabrielle said...

those really are AMAAAAAZING!