Monday, June 16, 2008

rose to the occasion

It is widely known that the depth of my nature appreciation extends to B's 20'x20' garden, whose occupants I am only just starting to remember. At last I can distinguish peas from swiss chard, which I insist on being proud of, even though peas are the least mysterious of all the plants, being that they grow in multitudes right before your eyes. My affection for this garden is rooted (no pun intended) solely in the delight it holds for B. I love, on her behalf, that all her roses have bloomed in the front yard, and I can definitely see the fruits of her labor (pun intended). Aside from this, and my occasional surprise twinge of happiness at seeing my mom's lovely little garden, I don't really give a shit about nature. Not photosynthesis, not the ozone layer, hell not even the weather. (B and Todd would have me beheaded for this.)

Imagine, will you, my excitement when Todd said all he wanted for Fathers Day was a long walk in the Oregon Garden, followed by lunch. Okay well we all know perfectly well that I am a faithful champion of lunch, but the garden part was reeeeaaaaallly a stretch. I didn't so much smile as not frown, for I was determined to grant T this one wish. I woke up in considerable pain, the source of which I think you all know, so I dutifully popped 95 Excedrin and off we went. En route, my apprehension enveloped me, with thoughts of tour guide teaching us to pronounce the latin names for the flowers, and asking us if we knew what coniferous meant. As we parked, I shot Todd a fraudulent smile and we headed for the gate. I was immediately impacted by the serenity of the garden. It was quiet in the perfect sense, the displays were bountiful but not obnoxious, there were no tour guides in sight, and best of all, the refreshment stand was mere feet ahead!

As a first-timer, I followed T and the kids, who knew just where to go, which winding paths to follow, and exactly where all the slug-shaped drinking fountains were. We ambled through luscious rose gardens, which even excited my inner garden grinch, as well as poppy fields, water falls, koi ponds, and a giant hill perfect for rolling down. (Note: Only those weighing under one ton were permitted to roll, so I took pictures.)

Ordinarily I would have seized up in such a place, so anxious to leave I might go so far as to "trip and fall" or try to hit my head on something. But this place is gorgeous, so lush and tranquil, and all the usual nature-loving clichees. I truly derived pleasure from the ambiance, and we were able to give T the experience he sought.

A fetching yellow (rose?):

My favorite rose, because it looks like it's made out of icing:

Happy Fathers Day:

Quinn and Rei on a waterfall:

The whole gang:

Quinn of the cacti:


Sam said...

That sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day! I love the Oregon Garden, though I don't get there too often.

Thanks for sharing! And I'm glad that you were able to enjoy your visit there!!


Anonymous said...

hmmmm... first you didn't throw away that rose, and now you've found serenity in a garden... soon, you'll be enveloped by a sense of green serendipity...

Beware, earth-muffinness is taking you!

BK said...

Oooh, so pretty! The lavender one reminds me of the new rose I just bough. (Did I show you the purple one or just the peach one?)

Jess said...

Wow. Awesome composition-Beautiful photography-

Beautiful flowers and people.


Jess said...

"It was quiet in the perfect sense"

your writing so often blows me away.

mental chatter said...

what a day! We'll make a nature-lover out of you yet.

gail said...

loveliness all around. you have beautiful kids.

Quinn said...