Tuesday, March 29, 2011

pic 88

"um. what mess?"


Mesina said...

Um...I totally thought that was a bed. For like 4 seconds there.

Cheyenne said...

A BED??? Where? In hell? Mmmno, not even for four seconds my pet. The economy hasn't hit us that hard.

This was toddler + Charmin + toilet.

Minus his mama, plus OCD.

owlishly said...

obviously i am burning this fucker down and moving.

Anonymous said...

My least favorite chore in the world.

Cheyenne said...

This was no chore. This was a tyke-induced tsunami aftershock. We cried.

Dyan said...

My whole house can fit into that bathroom! I could actually sleep there! :-)

Cheyenne said...

Shut the fuck up Dyan, your house is so amazing I hate you a little. Don't worry, there's a square for Jon to scrub.