My kids know many things. One thing is that I am vehemently opposed to purchasing commercial greeting cards, when avoidable. Especially for kids. Another thing they know is that there is no sense whatsoever in presenting me with a Mothers Day cake when I wake up, when they can bring it to me at 12:01am. They are geniuses.
This was my cake. (The frosting was actually purple, not grey, fyi.):
Suck it Hallmark:
If I had a nickel for every time Reilly gushed such sentiments, I'd have a buck. I love this:
I never thought I'd love anything more than cake, especially since I hate Salad Fingers more than life itself and will never forgive my kids for showing it to me, but I laughed for 30 minutes. I didn't even see the pouch with $5.00 "for coffee" because I was cry-laughing at Quinn's horrible, perfect, thready, agonizing, shaky Salad letters. He mimics this so well I sometimes kiss him and sometimes ground him.
Love you guys the most. Thank you. xoxo
Amazing kids you got there, but you deserve it.
I like it when the red water comes out...
Corrupting your children since 2009!
Your kids are great and why is purple frosting so damn difficult to make/photograph without it looking grey!!! Ask me to show you the skateboard cake sometime.
I don't have a clue who Salad Fingers is but that card made me laugh anyway
Jennifer--You must look up Salad Fingers on You Tube, so you can share in the disturbia. You'll really appreciate his lettering once you see it.
So kick down some pics of this skateboard cake!
Can I just say that I LOVE reading posts about your kids?! It's really refreshing to see a family with so much love! (It's shockingly hard to find that nowadays)
Kasondra--You are really sweet. We have our moments. I don't dispute the love in our family, but it's no accident that I don't post about the nightly warfare over a shared room and the nightlight one needs and the other hates, nor the battles over overuse of hairspray, who carries the cell phone, and why every night, bedtime is as foreign to Reilly as Sauerkraut, lol. No matter what though, they always hug and kiss me, and they love us in spite of our mistakes. I am tremendously blessed to have them. Thanks again for your uplifting comment. <3
(Also, they are wicked smart, and so effing funny I am usually putty in their hands. I just learned what "L337" is...Just call me Laura Ingalls.)
Well pardon me for using antiquated English in favour of your fancy typese or whatever this is.
I prefer words, though I know it's a really offensive way to be.
501212-E Charlie.
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