Monday, August 4, 2008

dear megan...

...our thoughts and hearts are with you throughout your labour, and I can't wait to give you a congratulatory hug soon. I know you're going to do a wonderful job bringing that sweet girl into the world.

We love you.

These are the candles from your shower.

We've lit them today in your honour.


gabrielle said...

you ladies are the best friends a lady can wish for...if only i were pregnant i'd get such lovelovelove.


mental chatter said...

This is so lovely! Your shot of the candle is exquisite.

I am sitting on pins and needles in anticipation of the arrival of the bundle of joy!

Heart Salve said...

that is so wonderful. i will be thinking of her anxiously awaiting the joyous news :)

BK said...

Your picture is so elegant...looks professional!

Megan said...

Thank you for all your well wishes. They did their job!

I do wish you'd blog again! I miss reading your words.