Friday, January 29, 2010

talkin' about my girl

I wasn't sure what I was ever going to do with a girl, but it only took seconds before this girl was my daughter, forever and ever. I don't know what I would do without her. So eager to grow up, so independent, so astonishingly capable. I cherish the moments wherein she forgets she's not 21.

The Life of Reilly:

Summer girl, with blonde streaks and blue-eyed Kevin. He disappeared and Todd lost his mind and replaced him with a puppy.

Specifically, this puppy, Bella. This shot makes me wonder how such a small creature can be so infuriating. But she makes my girl happy, and that's what matters.

Rei is a warrior for animal safety/rights, and she always budgets to donate to animal charities. Todd took this picture, and when I saw it, it brought a tear to my eye. I am so proud of my kids, and their generous hearts.

Perhaps my favourite shot in years. This is the first look she ever gave me. She had me at hello, and I cherish every time she casts those beautiful eyes at me.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

joy with my boy

Random Quinn quotables from our day together:

While watching The Soup this morning, Joss Stone appeared out of nowhere, singing On the Wings of Love, which was so absurd in and of itself, we were kind of howling. Suddenly Quinn said incredulously, "Whose name is Joss?...well besides Joss Whedon," at which point he shot me a knowing glance, for he knows that Whedon's most notable works are not my favourite.

Later while folding laundry, I inexplicably encountered his swim trunks. "Dude, when did you wear swim trunks?"

"I took a bath the other night, which I never do, and well, there weren't any bubbles and I really didn't need Papa like, peeking in and having anything appear at the surface." It wasn't so long ago that he showered with Todd every night.

Later still, I said, "Hey let's get a profile picture on your facebook account so I don't have to be all sad that you're some empty default."

"Mom, I am so unphotogenic, my teeth suck, and my chin like, retracts into my neck in every picture." OMG feeling gawky and insecure comes with the age, and of course, he's beautiful, but the specificity of his chin retracting was downright hilarious.

While sitting by me on the couch, I commented that his post-cold lite raspy voice was super cute, he said, "Like that episode of Friends where Phoebe gets sexy phlegm and licks Monica's noodle water to get it back." Jesus this kid remembers everything, and his intellect is just pacing itself until it sprints right past ours any second. I hear him talking to Alex about anthropomorphizing and I shake my head.

Finally, he walked past me on the computer and saw Karen's kids and said, "Aw, Jatin and Nikash for the win!"

On my way out the door, I was met by this thing, my kid, sporting night vision goggles. I'm totally not anti-gun, but this thing was intense. Is he training to be an assassin or an agent for Homeland Security? Oh well, he still kisses me, and that's all that matters.

Friday, January 22, 2010

the first ten things i could find that don't suck:

-that my kids just now have their first case of colds with body aches, but are otherwise exceedingly healthy, kind, brilliant, hilarious, well-loved, perceptive, and a thousand more adjectives.

-splashes of red, whatever form they take:


-random piles of cash thrown at me:

-finding typewritery things to hoard:

these cards are so amazing i will have to be really damned thankful to ever send one:

Unexpected gifts from etsy, from people who mean it:

-Texts from Gail, which are bittersweet because she's as far away as she is amazing.

-My new phone, which holds 300 texts, omg! I cannot believe I survived two years with a phone that only held 50. I still max it out everyday, but not until like 3pm, as opposed to 8am. Plus it sorts threads and has a snooze button.


-You, jerk:

Go do it. I'll hold your glasses.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Todd typically chauffeurs the kids to and from their art class, but I was growing increasingly curious as to what bursts of creativity this guy is unleashing, so I stopped in and caused a total scene tripping over kicky little feet, the teacher, Sam, and interrupting his lesson with my camera.

"But it's for a blog you see." Personally I'd consider it a stretch to call blogging an art, but he immediately warmed to my intrusion. I really like the class, even though sometimes I actually find myself at Starbucks with Deborah instead...

Richard getting ready to enthrall the kids with how to make a tree in one minute:

One minute later, using a fan brush:

Shannon, the elusive beauty:

Surprise! Brian's a lefty! Everyone knows I <3 the lefties:

Quinn: "Mom did you know that Victoria is a freaking awesome artist?"

Me: "Yep, she always has been."

Reilly on the brink of greatness. Believe it or not, these lines turned into beautiful snow-capped mountains:

The extent of my artistic prowess is pretty much list making, so I'm really glad the kids have this art class, that they may endeavor to draw something more sophisticated than a stick figure. :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

pre-party preen with my tween

Quinn wanted to get a few things done Wednesday night before his big New Years Eve bash in Washington. I readily obliged, mostly because he lured me in with a request for a hair cut. I always hope he has tired of the mop and is ready to liberate his gorgeous face from all that shag. Alas, it was not to be. Instead he wanted it "shaped," so he could use his christmas gift card to Jori's. In typical tween fashion, I got about an hour's notice. It was amazing. More amazing still was the exhausting process of renting a video game for him, which required not only Todd's and my ODL numbers but blood types and the daily colour for the CIA. Seriously. It would have been easier to buy crack.

We tracked down Jody, the only stylist to whom Quinn entrusts his uber-important locks, is slightly more difficult than capturing the Loch Ness Monster. But always worth it.

Serious clink, looks no different, we're good to go:

At Jori's, the moment of truth. She was so charmed by him, they were trading awkward stories and she was laughing so hard I was surprised she was able to line up all her implements so surreptitiously:


Two studs for my stud, and a group pact never to eat at Taco Bell again. Even during the Apocalypse. Also, no one could ever look good in the same picture as Jori so fuck it:

It was a great night. He was a bit apprehensive, but Jori's magnetism was not lost on him. He was really brave and we skipped away as happy as the 72 clams we shelled out. Next up, fish tacos (none for me thanks--yuck) and a quick (read: l-o-n-g) jaunt to Lloyd Center to pick up one shirt and peruse the pirate store, where Quinn slipped under the bars at closing and contemplated buying a ratted out skull hoodie for $67.00. Ahhh, how does he always have $67.00? Alas, wiser minds prevailed, once he was reminded of his existing 75 million hoodies. Not to mention starving children.

He texted me from the party last night to announce his safe arrival (a mama mandate), and then hit me baby one more time, "May I go to Comic Con in March? I have money for admission, lodging, and food." I guess, but damn, can I borrow $50.00?

He's growing up, it's as bittersweet as the cliche`. He just started shaving. (GASP! SCREAM! WHO TOOK MY BABY?) I have veto power over his appearance but I don't have any say anymore. I briefly glimpsed my little Quinny when our eyes locked during the second piercing, and I could see a tear, but he is definitely on the interstate to manhood. I should have let him go up the escalator to get an Orange Julius while I was in Barnes & Noble, 99% in eyesight, but I didn't. He'll have plenty of opportunities to depart my company, plus I needed his help not buying 375 books and another 88 must-have trinkets, though he was of zero help finding the two books I was there to buy, lol.

So yeah, I know it's customary to leave Jori's madly in love with her, but I left, and remain, madly in love with Quinn.


Anything could happen.